The 10 Best Things about Dating a Chaser
Every Laurel needs his Hardy. Every Farley needs his Spade. Every fat sitcom dad needs his hot wife! So here we pay tribute to the littler guys who love their men Big! Our top 10 perks of dating a chaser.
1. They’ll rarely try to steal all your food.
2. When traveling together, they let you take some of their seat.
3. Despite being thin, they have fat hearts.
4. You get to be their body pillow.
5. They’ll never pressure you to go on a diet.
6. They’re freaking sexy!
7. You never have to worry about them leaving you for Channing Tatum.
8. They’re easy to carry.
9. You always get to be “big spoon”.
10. They’ll like you very much, just as you are.
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